Our Services
What We Provide vs. What HISID Provides
Holiday Island is both a city and a suburban improvement district. Responsibility for essential services and recreational amenities are divided between and in some cases shared by the City of Holiday Island (City) and the Holiday Island Suburban Improvement District (HISID).
The following will provide information as to how these services are provided and who to contact.
Water (HISID)
Every plotted lot in Holiday Island, whether improved with a dwelling or not, has sewer and water already in place and ready to hook into. As a result, Holiday Island has over 70 miles of water line supplied by four wells and five water storage tanks or towers. Due to the mountainous terrain, the system has 35 pressure regulating valves that prevent over pressure in the low-lying areas while allowing the storage tanks to be filled. The system is equipped with a state-of-the-art system that monitors water levels in the tanks and cycles the pumps at the wells to assure adequate fill levels. The system can be monitored remotely on employee cell phones. HISID owns and operates the water department. Water quality reports are posted on the HISID website at www.holidayisland.us. For information on water connection or billing questions, call the HISID office at 479-253-9700. In case of an emergency call the emergency pager number 479-244-6379.
Sanitary Sewer (HISID)
Holiday Island has over 70 miles of sewer lines which due to the terrain requires 27 pumping stations to move the discharge to the treatment plant. HISID owns and operates the sewer system and septic systems are not allowed. A new sewage treatment plant, built 2009, assures the District is in full compliance with all environmental regulations. Sewer charges are included in the water bill.
Garbage (City)
By law, the city is responsible for assuring a system for solid waste management and compliance with all State and Federal environmental regulations relative to disposal. In order to assure that all solid waste is disposed of in compliance with these regulations, as of 4-19-2022, the Carroll County Solid Waste District (CCSW) has been designated by the City as the sole authorized trash disposal service in the city. Contracting for trash pick-up is mandatory for all residences and businesses with a water meter in service. CCSW offers a variety of options for service depending on your particular situation. This includes special rates for low volume generators, bag tag service for part time residents, and dumpster service for businesses that streamline trash from several locations into one dumpster. For the elderly and disabled who may not be able to get their trash to the road, you can arrange for CCSW to come up to your garage to get your trash. Free recycle is also available for all customers. Ordinance 2022-004 contains the full scope of trash collection requirements including the penalties for noncompliance.
You can contact CCSW to select your level of service at 870-423-7156 or visit their website at www.carrollcountysolidwaste.com.
Call the city office at 479-379-8041 for questions.
Code Enforcement (City)
The City has an ordinance regulating solid waste (trash) collection and disposal and a “nuisance” ordinance, which regulates illegal burning and dumping, property and buildings maintenance and other issues. The city now employs a Code Enforcement Officer to work with residents and property owners on compliance issues. It is important to note that a city cannot force anyone to be a good
neighbor. State and federal law determines what a city can regulate and more importantly what they cannot. The code enforcement officer can only enforce ordinances passed by the City Council. Issues that may be a violation of the unit covenant but not a violation of a city ordinance will have to be addressed in some other fashion by the property owners. To report a possible code violation or if you have a question regarding an ordinance, call 479-364-2180 or email at codeofficer@cityofholidayisland.com.
Streets and Roads (Shared)
As with sewer and water, Holiday Island has 74 miles of roads spread out through 7.6 square miles of land area. As with sewer and water, Holiday Island has 74 miles of roads spread out through 7.6 square miles of land area. All but four miles of these roads are paved with either asphalt or chip and seal. With a population of 2399 full time residents, Holiday Island’s population density of 281 residents per square mile is about 20% of what a typical city would have. The low population density is seen by our residents as a big plus. However, it comes with a disproportionately high maintenance cost per resident. The city receives “turnback” revenue from the State which is primarily the city’s share of the fuel taxes collected by the State. The city also receives a share of the County property taxes for roads and grant funds from the State Aid to Streets program. These funds are used to resurface and maintain selected roads after the rights of way are dedicated to the city by HISID. All other roads remain the responsibility of HISID to maintain. Over time, as repaving is done, more roads will transition to the city. HISID continues to operate the road department and maintain the roads where they retain the rights of way. The city roads are maintained by HISID through an interlocal agreement with the city reimbursing HISID for the cost of doing routine maintenance and snow removal on the city roads. A problem with a road within Holiday Island can be reported by email at roads@holidayisland.us, or going to the “Resource” tab on the HISID website at www.holidayisland.us, or in an emergency you may call 470-253-9518.
Fire Department (Shared)
The law requires a city to assure fire protection but it allows for a city of the 2nd class to enter into an interlocal agreement with an existing fire department to provide that service. As such, the city and HISID have an interlocal agreement where the city provides partial funding and HISID continues to own and operate the fire department. This allows for adequate funding of the fire department without the need to add local property taxes which would be necessary for the city to take over full operation.
EMS - Emergency Response (HISID)
Emergency response, provided in conjunction with the fire department, is a service provided by HISID and funded by a security fee which is part of the water bill.
Police Protection (City)
Cities of the 2nd class are allowed to have a police department but are not required to. Operating a police department in cities the size of Holiday Island typically consumes more than a third of the entire annual operating revenue received from property and sales taxes. Consequently, some smaller communities work with the local sheriff department to provide patrolling. In this way the cities can get adequate police protection and traffic law enforcement without duplicating the overhead costs. As a result, the community also has access to additional resources when required and the sheriff can draw on resources provided by the city if needed. The City has a contract with the Carroll County Sheriff’s Department to provide law enforcement services. The plan is to provide Holiday Island with two patrolling officers.
Recreation Amenities (HISID)
HISID owns and operates all the recreational amenities.
The 9 and 18-hole golf courses are considered semi private, however non property owners are allowed to play. The fee schedule for property owners and non property owners can be found on the HISID website at www.holidayisland.us. Daily fees as well as annual passes are available. The 18-hole club house also has a grill for grabbing a meal and a ballroom and meeting rooms available for events.
Call 479-253-9511 for 18-hole tee times or additional information. Call 479-253-9890 for the 9-hole course.
The Holiday Island Campground is open to the public from April through October.
For more information visit www.holidayisland.com or call 479-253-6995.
The two swimming pools at the Recreation Center are considered private and available for use by property owners,
their immediate families and guests. The fee schedule for property owners can be found on the HISID website at www.holidayisland.us.
Daily fees as well as annual passes are available. Special passes are required for property owners operating short term vacation rentals.
The Recreation Center also has pickleball, tennis and basketball courts, miniature golf and shuffle board available to property owners
as well as the Historic Barn which can be rented out for events. Call 479-253-9880 for information about the Recreation Center.
The Barn, an historical landmark in Holiday Island, was used as a horse stable for a ranch and resort that preceded Holiday Island
as well as in the very early days of the development. Today it can be rented through the Recreation Center
for weddings, family reunions and other events.
The Holiday Island Marina is available to the public. Slips for boats can be rented as they become available. There is no charge for launching a boat. Fuel, food, tackle and other water recreational items are available at the marina store. Equipment rental is available including pontoon boats, jet skis, canoes and kayaks. Slip rental fees can be found at www.holidayisland.com or you can call 479-253-8300 for more information.
Please visit the city and district websites for a world of information about the community, its events, organizations, rules, and regulations. www.cityofholidayisland.com
For more information about the services the City of Holiday Island provides, feel free to contact us today.
For information or questions regarding HISID services, please refer to the HISID website via the link below,
or call the HISID office at 479-253-9700.