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Code Enforcement

Code Enforcement begins with the Ordinances the City has passed into law, and the Municipal Code that results from those Ordinances.  State law in Arkansas gives cities the power to regulate matters of local concern.  Cities first create and pass ordinances to specify their regulations.  Upon passage or when enough such ordinances exist, they are 'codified' and placed into city codes, in the same manner that federal, state, and county legislation is codified into US Code, state code, and county code. This codification process systematically organizes the laws into chapters covering various standard topics, making it easier to understand and access them.
City code is created to benefit the residents of the city, by setting standards for public safety, sanitation, building and habitability, noise, and other considerations that make our community a nice place to live for all its citizens.  However, it is of no benefit unless it is enforced.  Violations of city code will result in warnings and/or fines, if not corrected.  Some violations may need to be prosecuted in court to achieve compliance.


City Municipal Code - not yet codified


Code Enforcement Officer: Rusty Rusterholz

Phone:  479-364-2180


Office Hours:  not scheduled...please call


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